‘Happy People Do Good Work’ Far removed or not…this article is about my experience of high performance in the Special Forces and where business may just be [...]
Are you affected by FOPO – Fear of Other People’s Opinions? Becoming aware of just how much you are affected by FOPO can have huge implications in your work, life [...]
This video centres on effective planning for performance. I think its one of those things where people will say, “Yes, I plan.” But do they? Particularly if [...]
So in times of pressure do we go with the mind of a drunken monkey (and all the negative self talk it throws at us) or do we go for a disciplined mind (they are rare!!) In [...]
My latest video here focuses on fixed mindsets and growth mindsets. I think a lot of people will have come across this, the work originally of Carol Dweck, and really [...]
Kids really can give you that reminder. While we deal with often self created pressure, they maintain that simplistic view which breaks through the fog. This reminder to me [...]
“If you want to get better, you have to find out what you’re avoiding and what you’re afraid of. You have to expose yourself to that voluntarily, and you have to let [...]
Getting fit, being more relaxed, being more organised, being more effective in our career, being a better mum/dad, being a better husband/wife…..these are all things we [...]
Radical Transparency – “To me a meaningful relationship is open and honest in a way that lets people be straight with each other. I never valued relationships [...]