The modern workplace can be complex, fast paced and high pressured. Creating a Coaching Culture is a highly effective way of developing the performance of individuals and organisations.
Coaching Courses

1-1 Executive Coaching

3RG’s coaching programmes help individuals to build confidence and assertiveness. The Coaching process involves setting personally challenging goals and pushing the boundaries to unlock potential. Our 1-1 programme provides tailored personal support to address any issues and improve the skills that impact on your performance at work.

Coaching will benefit individuals who:

  • Have moved into a new role or are facing a specific challenge
  • Recognise they need to perform or work more effectively
  • Are trying to generate a change in their organisation
  • Are working towards becoming an effective leader
  • Working in high pressured environments

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Coaching Courses

LPI 360

The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) is a validated 360° assessment tool used to help leaders gain further clarity and understanding of their existing leadership practices. It can be used as a point of focus in preparation for a coaching programme.

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Coaching course

Leadership and the Coaching Culture

What does it take to build a high performing team? Creating a coaching culture is a highly effective way of developing individual and organisational performance. 3RG’s Leadership Coaching course helps you to get the best possible performance out of others and build a motivated and empowered team. By the end of this course you will be equipped with the fundamental coaching basics to take back into the working environment. You’ll also discover how a variety of simple and effective tools can be used in the most demanding of management situations.

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