3 Ways to Develop the ‘Muscle’ of Confidence

Developing the ‘Muscle’ of Confidence can be a game changer in all areas of our lives…

Even the ‘most’ confident of us can get the ‘yips’ in certain situations and not perform to our true potential. Being Confident, Self-Assured (not arrogant) is very alluring, as it puts us in a space of wellbeing and can greatly increase our chances of relaxing and operating in High Performance (Flow) states.

The good news is that we can build the ‘muscle’ of Confidence. As with any hard won endeavour it takes courage, commitment and tenacity but it is there. We are going to have to push to the ‘Razors Edge’, to step out of the comfort zone, breath and get the game face on, but there are huge benefits in doing so.

Easy Choices, Hard Life…

You see, on the opposite side there is a price to be paid for taking the easy option. There may seem no risk in the immediate (in fact comfort), but comfortable options for the next year, five years, ten years can lead to many possible negative outcomes.

As Jerzy Gregorek (4 time World Weight lifting Champion) I think nicely summarises “Easy Choices, Hard Life, Hard Choices, Easy Life”

In this video I highlight 3 ways of developing a type of confidence that underpins everything that we do. It is there when we are challenged, when things aren’t going quite according to plan and when the pressure is on!

Click on the link or mugshot below to view!

The ‘Muscle’ of Confidence

Also check out my previous post on Micro Habits. The way to 10X Performance…

Micro habits to 10X Performance

3rg work with people and organisations who are serious about performance. We offer practical, experienced based solutions to complex business challenges. Through our range of leadership courses, coaching programmes and workshops we help organisations build high performance, winning teams. 

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