‘Happy People Do Good Work’ Far removed or not…this article is about my experience of high performance in the Special Forces and where business may just be missing the [...]
This video centres on effective planning for performance. I think its one of those things where people will say, “Yes, I plan.” But do they? Particularly if they’re in [...]
Radical Transparency – “To me a meaningful relationship is open and honest in a way that lets people be straight with each other. I never valued relationships where people put on a [...]
Special Forces operations are complex endeavours. They push the boundaries of risk and reward and ultimately will at some point call upon the operators undertaking them to use their initiative, [...]
“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over [...]
It’s a very common story really, an organisation with high staff sickness really low morale that leads of course to low productivity and (for some businesses) more cost for their bottom line. In [...]